Life is Pointless. What does this mean? To many people, it means that life has no meaning; there is no purpose to life. Others might say that without a purpose to live for, then nothing happens in life and it becomes pointless. We will explore the meaning of life and what it really means when someone says “life is pointless.”
It is necessary to define what it means when we says “life.” Life may be the existence of any type of conscious being, but for the sake of brevity, life will refer to human life.
Suppose you were asked this question: What is the meaning of human life? If you knew the answer, it would provide you with the meaning of life. However, what if you did not know? You cannot say that something does not have a meaning simply because you do not know what it is. Similarly, it is impossible to prove that life has no purpose just because you do not know its purpose.
Let’s assume for a moment that human life has no meaning – i.e., everyone in the entire world will be dead one day without anything happening beforehand. Would everyone in the entire world drop dead right now? Of course not! People are still living their lives and carrying out their activities. Even though people might argue that all these activities are pointless due to our impending doom, there is still some reason for them doing what are doing at this moment – they still have an aim. The same logic applied to the meaning of life. It is possible that there is no meaning to human life, but it does not mean that people are not carrying out activities with some sort of purpose in mind.
Some would say that there is no point in continuing on like this since death will end all their worries, problems, and pain. On the one hand, they are partly right; once everyone is dead (including themselves), these things will end. However, even if someone was about to die due to fatal injuries or severe illness before your eyes, most people would want to know whether or not you could save them or make them feel better before they were eventually laid down to rest forever – most likely alive and in pain. Why? It is because human nature prompts us to have the desire to help other people in need, not to sit idly by and watch them suffer.
The same logic can be applied towards life itself. If there were no point in living, why would people create art or want to solve problems? Living has shown that for certain things, one needs time before they are completed – something which will continue on after everyone’s death. There are plenty of examples of this: paintings that are left unfinished, novels that are never published or completed, buildings that are left incomplete due to resources running out or natural disasters hitting before it is completed, etc. These things take time; without time passing first (i.e., during our lives), then this would not be possible.
Life is pointless only if there is no aim for it to serve or purpose for which it exists. This can be extended out towards everything in the world – including objects, nature, animals, etc. For example, a table is obviously made to place things on top of it – without an object placed atop the table’s surface, it would be exactly what its name suggests: a bare table with nothing else on top of it. A chair has an obvious function as well; people sit on chairs so they are raised above the floor and thus able to see) over top of any obstacles.
Nature has an obvious function as well; birds fly through the air, fish swim in water, lions hunt their prey, etc. Out of everything that exists, even if it is just rocks and dirt, they serve a certain purpose – simply to exist. If there was nothing else but rocks around us all the time, what would we eventually evolve into? The same type of question can be applied towards life itself: What if humans never existed on Earth? Would anything take our place or would nature still continue to exist like nothing ever happened? It is simply because these objects (e.g., tables) are made for certain purposes (to hold things), not because there is no point in continuing their existence (i.e., because they fall apart and break instead).